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How Tall is a Volleyball Net- A Comprehensive Guide for All Levels

As a volleyball enthusiast, do you know how tall is a volleyball net is? I think that question often reminds in your mind, whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game. From normal matches to big tournaments, the height of the volleyball net is a big deal. It makes the rules of the game and ensures everyone plays fairly.

In this article, we will make it very simple by talking about volleyball net height. What you will get from here, is the volleyball net height for men’s, women’s as well as kid’s games, indoor and outdoor, and why court size matters. I know you want to know about volleyball net height but you don’t know where to start, stay here! We have made it too easy for you.

How Tall Is a Volleyball Net

how tall is a volleyball net

In this era, volleyball is the most famous game that all ages and genders players play. Volleyball is a fun and exciting game, and a lot of people love this game. The game requires quickness, fast reactions, and teamwork. But the volleyball net is one of the most important elements of the game.

Here is a quick overview of volleyball net height

Men’s Net Height2.43 meters or 7 feet 11.6 inches
Women’s Net Height2.24 meters or 7 feet 4 1/8 inches
Indoor and Outdoor Net Height for Men’s7 feet 11 5/8 inches
Indoor and Outdoor Net Height for Women’s7 feet 4 1/8 inches
Kids of 10 years old2.13 meters or 7 feet
Kids of 10-12 years old2.24 meters or 7 feet 4 1/8 inches
Kids of 12-14-year-old2.35 meters or 7 feet 8/12 inches
Kids of 14-16 years old2.43 meters or 8 feet
Sitting Volleyball Net Height for Men’s3 feet 5 inches
Sitting Volleyball Net Height for Women’s3 feet

Let’s Kick off with the Height of the Volleyball Nets

Volleyball Net Height for Men’s

Now, let’s talk about men’s volleyball net height. As per the official rules of the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB), the men’s volleyball net height should be 2.43 meters or 7 feet 11.6 inches. The height is measured from the middle of the court to the top of the net. The net should be pulled tight and shouldn’t droop more than 2.5 cm or 1 inch in the middle. This height is recommended for all men’s volleyball games, from beginner to professional.

In addition to the net’s height, other variables such as the pressure of the net and the situation of receiving wires play significant parts in keeping up reasonableness and consistency amid matches. Together, these components contribute to the energetic and fast-paced nature of men’s volleyball, making it an exciting wear to observe and play. Whether you’re a prepared competitor or a casual fan, understanding the subtleties of net tallness includes profundity in your appreciation of the amusement.

Height of Volleyball Nets for Women

In women’s volleyball, the net height is also important. It helps make the game fun and fair for players of all skill levels. Official rules of FIVB, women’s volleyball net height should be 2.24 meters or 7 feet 4 1/8 inches. This height is measured from the middle of the court to the top of the net. The net should not droop more than 2.5 cm or 1 inch in the middle. This height is suggested for all women’s volleyball games, from beginner to professional.

Women’s volleyball leagues and organizations stick to set net heights to keep games fair and the same from match to match. This helps everyone play by the same rules and makes the games better overall. It provides a chance for all players to show off their skills as they play their best.

Height of Indoor and Outdoor Volleyball Net

Indoor and outdoor volleyball net heights exist at the same height. But there can be little variations it depends on the type of play and the level of competition. For both (Indoor and outdoor) the standard net height for men’s games is around 7 feet 11 5/8 inches, and for women’s games, it’s approximately 7 feet 4 1/8 inches. This means that no matter where you play, the game stays the same. It’s fair for everyone, so players can focus on playing well. So, how tall is a volleyball net, whether you’re indoors or outdoors? It’s usually the same height.

Height of Volleyball Net for Kids

In this section, we are talking about the net height of volleyball for kids. The net height for kids it depends on their age group level. For children those are under 10 years old, the net height is 2.13 meters or 7 feet. 10-12 years of children, the net should be 2.24 meters or 7 feet 4 1/8 inches. For 12-14 years children the net should be 2.35 meters or 7 feet 8/12 inches. And the children of 14-16 years old the net height is 2.43 meters or 8 feet. These heights are also measured from the middle of the court to the top of the net and shouldn’t droop more than 2.5 cm or 1 inch in the middle.

Height of Sitting Volleyball Net

In sitting volleyball, the net height is changed so that players who play while sitting down can compete comfortably. The standard net height for sitting volleyball is lower than in standing volleyball, typically set at around 3 feet 5 inches for men’s games and 3 feet for women’s games. Making the net lower in sitting volleyball helps players reach and play the ball well while sitting. This makes the game fair and competitive. Changing the net height for sitting volleyball lets all kinds of players join in and do well, showing that everyone is welcome in the sport.

How to Measure the Volleyball Nets Height

How to Measure the Volleyball Nets Height

Measuring the height of a volleyball net is very easy. Learn simple tricks to measure it accurately and make sure it’s the right height. Here, I’ve explained how tall is a volleyball net height and how it works.

  • Put the measuring tape in the middle of the top of the net.
  • Pull the tape until it touches the ground.
  • Check the number where the tape touches the ground.
  • Measure from the ground to the middle of the net.
  • For men’s volleyball, it should be 7 feet, 11 5/8 inches, or 2.43 meters.
  • For women’s volleyball, it should be 7 feet, 4 1/8 inches, or 2.24 meters.
  • Double-check to make sure it’s correct, so everyone plays fair and follows the rules.

Remember, these height rules are just suggestions. Different places may have different net heights, especially for kids’ games. Always ask the group or league to make sure you’re using the right net height.


The height of volleyball nets changes for men, women, indoors, outdoors, and kids. For men, it’s 2.43 meters or 7 feet 11.6 inches, and for women, it’s 2.24 meters or 7 feet 4 1/8 inches. Indoor and outdoor nets are usually the same height. Kids’ nets depend on age, from 2.13 meters or 7 feet for under 10s to 2.43 meters or 8 feet for 14-16 year-olds. Always use the right net height for your game level and check with the group or league to be sure. Happy playing!